Hiring Electrical Contractors Kent for Domestic Testing and Services


Gennady Jelisejevas

When you buy a home, or already own one, you need to be sure that the electrical systems in place are as safe as they can be. Older or poorly installed electrical systems are potential fire hazards as well as being potentially the cause of electrocution.

Electrical contractors kent

are there to make sure that doesn t happen.

If you are a landlord or own a commercial property, you have various legal obligations to fulfil. Landlords and commercial property owners must have electrical inspections carried out at least every five years. Though in practice, it may be more advisable to have your electrical installations tested every year, particularly if you operate buildings with a high turnover of tenants or if you run student accommodation where the tenants you do have may not be particularly savvy about using home appliances.


Electrical contractors in Kent will be able to carry out all inspections for you, ensuring your property remains safe and legal at all times. In addition, the contractors can carry out all forms of maintenance, installation and repairs including the installation of solar photo voltaic panels, the installation of new fuse boards and the installation of aerials.

If you have recently moved into a property it is be advisable to have a full electrical inspection and test done particularly if that property is an old one. Also if you have just taken over ownership of a commercial building or a building in which you have tenants of any kind, it is a good idea to get a PAT done a Periodic Appliances Test, which ensures that all kettles, hobs, ovens and other electrical equipments supplied with the building are in safe and legal working order.

Your electrical contractors Kent may advise you that your legal obligations as a landlord extend to the replacement of any faulty electrical goods, even if they are not plumbed in . This is true. If your property came with an iron and that iron is deemed unsafe after PAT, then you are obliged to replace it with a working one. Same applies for kettles, toasters and any other small electrical items supplied to your tenants. So if in doubt, leave it out.

Old buildings may also require a modernisation of the electrical services and systems. The older the system, obviously, the more wear and tear it will have experienced and the more wear and tear present, the greater the danger of an electrical fire. To ensure that the building is safe for future use, you may want to use

Electrical contractors kent

to check first and then replace and update the system as they see fit.

For both domestic and commercial buildings, there can be a requirement for modernising lighting and overall power use to bring energy bills down. Again, the older the electrical system, the more likely it is that the home will be using redundant amounts of power. By having it changed through a qualified contractor, you will be able to manage the amounts of electricity consumed by your building.

Gennady Jelisejevas is a qualified electrician. He works for

Electrical contractors kent


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Categories: Cabling